PhD Projects
InflAIM supports the development of young researchers. Present projects are listed below:
Current Phd Projects under inflAIM
Inflammation, plant-based nutrition, and the evolution of multiple long-term conditions
Postgraduate Researcher Magdalena Brandner , EDESIA PhD Programme
Magdalena's PhD studies focus on the impacts of plants and bioactive compounds within diets on multi-morbidity. Her project is supervised by Professor Ailsa Welch, Prof Alex MacGregor (Norwich Medical School, UEA) and Dr. Maria Traka (Quadram Institute Bioscience)
As a part of her PhD, she previously completed a systematic scoping review looking at the evidence around diet, dietary patterns, nutrients and bioactive compounds in relation to multi-morbidity, forming the basis of her projects with UK Biobank and eBASIS. Her Biobank project will explore relationships between plants in our diet and multimorbidity with the goal to interlink this with the database eBASIS to shed light on the complex interactions of bioactive compounds within dietary patterns and their effect on inflammation and multiple long-term conditions.
Magdalena's research is funded by the Wellcome Trust and is part of the EDESIA PhD Programme
Research Groups:
Department of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine, Norwich Medical School
Food & Health Group, Quadram Institute Biosciences